Happy Wednesday! I excitedly opened my laptop yesterday to see that Eat Live Escape Magazine had published an interview with me on their website! A few weeks ago I sat down and answered some questions by ELE's founder Mia Cowling; I shared a bit about where I draw inspiration from, how I started my art career, why I am drawn to painting florals and how I enjoy using different mediums in my work.
This new headshot by the lovely Hayley Bracewell also features in the article. All of my headshots previously have been taken by balancing my phone on a stack of paint pots and put on self timer mode, so I'm pretty happy to have a professional photo I can use now.

If you want to read a bit more about what I'm up to next, you can read the article on the ELE Home website here. As always, you can join my mailing list where I sent very sporadic emails, sharing exhibition, workshop and studio news!

Enjoy the rest of your week!
Emily x